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Law enforcement Technology,Law enforcement Agency,Policing Technology,Smart Policing India,Homeland Security India,Border Security India,Border Management India,Cyber Crime news,Cyber Security news,Safety App,Public Safety App,Security App,Women Safety App,Police Initiative,Surveillance news,National Security news,isc event 2016,isc event 2017,scada event 2016,scada event 2017,Critical infrastructure security event 2016,Critical infrastructure security event 2017,iot summit 2016,iot summit 2017,Internet of things seminar 2016,Internet of things seminar 2017,iot seminar delhi 2016,iot seminar delhi 2017,iot conference delhi 2016,iot conference delhi 2017,top security event,security event,security event 2016,security event 2017,security conference 2016,security conference 2017,cso summit 2016,cso summit 2017,Corporate security event,Corporate security conference,security research india,homeland security research india,security think tank india

Law enforcement Technology,Law enforcement Agency,Policing Technology,Smart Policing India,Homeland Security India,Border Security India,Border Management India,Cyber Crime news,Cyber Security news,Safety App,Public Safety App,Security App,Women Safety App,Police Initiative,Surveillance news,National Security news,isc event 2016,isc event 2017,scada event 2016,scada event 2017,Critical infrastructure security event 2016,Critical infrastructure security event 2017,iot summit 2016,iot summit 2017,Internet of things seminar 2016,Internet of things seminar 2017,iot seminar delhi 2016,iot seminar delhi 2017,iot conference delhi 2016,iot conference delhi 2017,top security event,security event,security event 2016,security event 2017,security conference 2016,security conference 2017,cso summit 2016,cso summit 2017,Corporate security event,Corporate security conference,security research india,homeland security research india,security think tank india


Technology part of New Orleans anti-crime, anti-terror plan

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Authorities have unveiled an extensive, $40 million program to fight crime and terrorism in New Orleans, including high-tech gadgetry and a new closed-door nightclub policy aimed at dialing down the intensity of wee-hours partying in the famously boozy city.
Announcing the plan Monday, Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Gov. John Bel Edwards and others stressed that it is intended to benefit not just tourists but everyone in the city that saw a spike in its murder rate last year.
The program includes plans for round-the-clock monitoring of cameras in 20 high crime hot spots around New Orleans and marked take-home cars for police officers, giving them a new visibility in various neighborhoods.
But it’s the changes along the popular stretch of bars, restaurants and strip joints on Bourbon Street in the city’s historic French Quarter that will be most noticeable, and, perhaps, most complicated.
Plans include an effort to turn Bourbon into a pedestrian-only thoroughfare, once traffic patterns, arrangements for delivery trucks and other details can be worked out. Bars - in the Quarter and elsewhere - will be told to shut their doors after 3 a.m., Landrieu said.
It’s not a shutdown of business, nor is it a curfew, he stressed. Patrons will be allowed to go in and out but it’s hoped that by shutting doors, on-street activity in the pre-dawn hours will diminish.

In addition to new city cameras, 20 of which will be monitored in real time at a planned central command center, feeds from private cameras will be used. Bars will be required to have security cameras.
“When you go on Bourbon Street now, everything you do will be seen,” Landrieu said, smiling. “Do I need to let that sink in?”
Months in the making, the plan follows a mass Thanksgiving weekend shooting that left one dead and nine injured on Bourbon. New high-tech equipment to be used in the anti-crime effort will include devices that can help detect concealed weapons and license plate readers.
The plans were announced as the city prepares for Mardi Gras and this year’s NBA All-Star game.
State police Superintendent Mike Edmonson said 173 extra uniformed troopers will be on hand for the game; more than 160 for Mardi Gras. Jeffrey Sallet, the agent in charge of the New Orleans FBI office, said no specific threats have been detected for either event while stressing the readiness of state and federal authorities.
Officials said much of the money for the program will come from the state’s Morial Convention Center, a major driver of tourist business in the city.

Sindh Police gets latest 4G Phone Locator technology to trace calls

The Sindh Police’s Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) has obtained a latest 4G phone locator system.

The multi-million rupee 4G phone tracking technology is exclusive to use by intelligence agencies. Sindh Police has finally acquired it and handed it over to CTD to put it at disposal of the police department.

The caller locator will allow police investigators to pinpoint the exact location from where a mobile phone call is being made. This will be particularly helpful in cases of terrorism, kidnapping, extortion, ransom etc. A police source said,

“In fact, the Sindh police have acquired two 4G mobile phone call locators, which have been handed over to the CTD for use in the entire province….The CTD SSP has been appointed the focal person for the entire department who could be approached by any unit of the Karachi police with a request for the use of the system.

CTD officials have undergone training in the use of the equipment. Whenever they receive a request from any unit or section of the law-enforcement agency, they move with the equipment to the required location to offer the service.

The sets acquired by the police have been locally designed and developed. They have been effectively used for tracing criminals and kidnappers in the interior of Sindh where several groups were busted using the technology,”

The police have been using the technology for more than two years but this is more up-to-date to trace smartphone communications. The previous phone locators used by Sindh Police Department were capable of meeting requirements of 2G and 3G only. The modern equipment will enhance investigation capabilities.

Intersec Dubai 2017

Intersec is the world’s leading trade fair for security, safety, and fire protection, featuring more than 1,200 exhibitors from 54 countries, and attracting over 33,000 visitors from 128 countries.
The three-day event shines the spotlight on the latest technologies and innovations in the seven focus areas of Commercial Security, Fire & Rescue, Safety & Health, Homeland Security & Policing, Information Security, Smart Home and Physical & Perimeter Security.
The double-digit growth that Intersec has enjoyed over the last five years has underlined its crucial role in the future development of not only the Middle East and Africa’s security, safety, and fire protection sectors, but beyond.
In 2016, the annual showpiece featured 37 of the world’s top 50 security solutions providers, including the entire top ten of Honeywell, Hikvision, Bosch, Safran, Dahua Technology, Assa Abloy, Tyco, Flir Systems, Samsung Techwin, and Axis Communications.

Intersec’s commanding presence on the international stage is reinforced by 83 per cent of exhibitors coming from outside the UAE, while visitors from as far afield as the USA and Brazil, to Australia or Switzerland, choose it as their preferred business networking platform.
“From humble beginnings in 1999, when it featured just 61 exhibitors, Intersec has developed into a global powerhouse,” said Ahmed Pauwels, CEO of Intersec’s organiser, Messe Frankfurt Middle East. “There is no security, safety, and fire protection trade show anywhere in the world with such a diverse international mix of exhibitors and visitors.”
The 19th edition of Intersec takes place from 22-24 January 2017 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Cops to increasingly use digital footprints from IoT devices for investigations

If Mark Stokes, Scotland Yard’s head of digital, cyber and communications forensics unit, is correct, then IoT devices will play an increasingly important role in crime scene investigations. “The crime scene of tomorrow is going to be the internet of things,” Stokes told the Times.

The police are being trained to look for “digital footprints” – IoT gadgets that “track or record activities” which might prove or disprove alibis and witness statements as well as record what occurred during a murder victim’s final moments.

Cops will be relying on evidence from smart devices which spy on you – such as internet connected refrigerators, light bulbs, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers and voice-controlled robotic assistants.

Stokes explained:

“Wireless cameras within a device such as the fridge may record the movement of suspects and owners. Doorbells that connect directly to apps on a user’s phone can show who has rung the door and the owner or others may then remotely, if they choose to, give controlled access to the premises while away from the property. All these leave a log and a trace of activity.”

Think about that while perusing products on display at CES 2017 as this has the potential to go much further than cops tapping into smart fridges and doorbells. For example, a robotic vacuum cleaner such as Unibot, which will be shown off at CES 2017, comes equipped with a security camera so it can send owners pictures and videos in real time in case it detects “unusual signs in its peripheral vision.”

All manner of smart items meant to provide convenience could also potentially be used to narc on you – used by the police to gather evidence. Some folks won’t be bothered by that since they willingly carry a smart phone which can double as a surveillance device; phones are frequently targeted by law enforcement during investigations.

Millions of people already wear wearables, but in the future, even a person’s clothes will be able to provide location data. There are already some smart clothes, such as “vibrating” jeans, which connect to a smart phone and vibrate on one side or the other in order to give GPS map directions without the user needing to whip out her phone.

A self-driving car, for example, would have location logs, but hopefully couldn’t be used against riders such as by locking the doors until police arrived to collect the person inside.

While most people don’t yet have a smart refrigerator, many do have smart TVs and most smart TVs include a camera and microphone. Voice control assistants such as Amazon’s Echo and Google Home, are quickly gaining popularity. This year at CES, there will be a plethora of products built to integrate with popular voice control assistants and even new voice control bots.

Not that all smart voice-controlled assistants correctly understand what is asked of them – as one family found out after a little boy asked their new Amazon Echo Dot to play “tickle tickle.” Alexa thought the child wanted porn and started to comply before the parents freaked out and shut her down.

The smart meter, Amazon Echo and a murder investigation

The idea that police would use data provided by IoT devices is nothing new. Police in Arkansas are pressuring Amazon to hand over data from an Echo device; the cops think some of the recorded audio data sent to the personal assistant “Alexa” may be helpful for their murder investigation. Amazon did not comply – other than sending the suspect’s purchase history.

Bentonville police detectives have already used IoT data – data from a connected water meter. The cops think the massive spike in water usage on the night of a murder may indicate the hot tub and patio had been hosed down to wash away blood evidence.

When cops start looking for “digital footprints” in IoT gadgets, it supposedly won’t be like when the cops seize a hard drive, laptop or computer for an indefinite period during an investigation. Stokes said the smart devices wouldn’t need to be seized and hauled off. Instead, investigators will use a “digital forensics kit,” which is yet to be developed, to download data and analyze microchips at the scene.

50 Days Later: Public Safety On-Camera

NJIT Public Safety officers have been deployed with new Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs) since Sept. 1. The pros behind this are exactly what the general population wants with the rise in cases of police brutality, but what about the negative implications that people are unaware of? What most assume to be an easy solution is in fact more complicated than it appears on the surface.

Public Safety owns 40 body-cameras and every on-duty officer is equipped with a Pro-Vision Body Cam. Each camera is built to be waterproof, is capable of recording at night with infrared illuminators, includes built in microphones and a 170 degree field of vision on top of other specs.

“At first officers were a bit uncomfortable, but as we began using them in training, they adjusted to the change… the camera helps improve the officer’s performance,” said Joseph Marswillo, the Chief of Police at NJIT. The purpose of the camera is not only to hold the police accountable for their actions, but also civilians. Once both parties understand they are being recorded, it can help deescalate the situation and improve the outcomes of interactions.

The process of wearing the cameras was far from easy. Before being issued their body-camera, all officers are required to participate in departmental training. The training consisted of body camera policy review, use of equipment training videos, a policy review PowerPoint / test prep, and a 27 question test.

One of the arguments for body-cameras is that they offer an objective truth instead of the “your word vs theirs” predicament that takes place in most civil suits. Chief Marswillo mentioned, “Most police departments will be adapting body-cameras.” Most towns in New Jersey have already seen law enforcement officers using the cameras and not too long ago did the NJ Attorney General announce a half a million initiative to fund BWCs to be worn throughout state police departments.

With an increasing amount of officers wearing body-cameras, the scope of the visual and audio records is unlike anything before it. Who can see this footage? Just about any citizen of the State of New Jersey, minus a few exceptions.

Under the state’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA), a “record” is deemed as a “document, drawing, plan, photograph, image processed document, information stored or maintained electronically or by sound-recording” that is kept in file in the course of official business by any officer, commission, agency or authority of the state.

NJIT Public Safety worked intensely to come up with a policy of their own for who was allowed to view those records, and the process was anything but simple. By policy, any footage released that is not a part of a criminal investigation, civil discovery or subpoena (a writ ordering a person to court), must first be approved by the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office or Division of Criminal Justice. Body-cam footage can only be stored for at least 90 days according to policy.

Body-cameras blur the line between safety and privacy. While there is accountability for people’s actions, the cost could be something most do not come to think of.

Fortunately, NJIT Public Safety follows a protocol for situations that involve entering private areas, such as a dorm room. Officers are allowed to turn their body camera on when entering a resident’s room, provided they are within the resident’s room for a law enforcement purpose. Officers are required to advise victims and witnesses within the area, if safe and practical to do so, that those parties are being recorded.

The reason for Public Safety adopting body-cameras is to improve their relationship with students and assure their safety. While most students are unaware of the cameras, they do support Public Safety’s decision to use them. “I don’t mind at all. It’s them showing more awareness and gives more safety to us,” mentioned Ashraf Siddique, a fellow NJIT student.

Public Safety has a positive relationship with students as they host at least 3 campus events bonding and showing their good sides. They have more plans to improve their services behind the scenes that deserve praise for going the extra mile to ensure students’ protection and their own liability.

Video enhancing technology helping city police crack cases

No doubt members of the 10 special teams of Hyderabad police pushed the envelop to detect the sensational case of firing at KBS bank CEO. Yet equally crucial was the input from IT Cell's Video Enhancement Technology that helped them crack the case.

Not just the sensational case of gun attack on the banker, several cases of chain snatching were also detected thanks to the VET acquired by Hyderabad police by spending more than Rs. 30 lakh. Video images or clips received by investigators in criminal cases for clues are not of uniform picture quality.

Using different factors like light and color combinations, the VET software improves the images. “Once the video images to be analysed are attached to the VET software, the images become sharper making minute details like digits or letter clearer,” a police officer told The Hindu.

Sharper and brighter images naturally hep in identifying the suspects. The software was acquired by IT Cell of Hyderabad police. Two policemen and an outsourced employee, who is a post-graduate in Forensic Science are analysing such video clips.

As the team gained reputation over passing on crucial clips on video clips, district police units of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh had also approached them for help in similar cases. Video clip of a suspect involved in the kidnap and murder of a software employee from Chennai was sent to

Hyderabad police for analysis.


*Video Enhancement Technology software was acquired by Hyderabad Police a few months ago.

*Cases of snatching, thefts and attention diversion were cracked after enhancing video images using this technology.

*Two policemen and an out-sources employee (post-graduate in forensic science) are analysing video clips sent to them in different cases.

Weaponized robots: Are machines the future of American policing?

After gunning down five Dallas police officers during a Black Lives Matter march in July 2016, Micah Johnson took shelter in a nearby parking garage. After hours of negotiations broke down between Dallas police and Johnson, officers made an unprecedented decision to put an end to the gunman’s rampage — with a robot.

Police loaded a pound of C4 explosives onto a Multi-Functional, Agile, Remote-Controlled Robot (MARCbot), drove the bot towards Johnson’s location and detonated the charge. In that moment, the use of remote lethal force became yet another tool in the American law enforcement arsenal.

The success of the Dallas incident and the lack of legal repercussions following signaled to police commanders that these so-called “tactical robots” could be a viable option to quell future violence. According to Ben Miller, an engineer for drone-maker Draganfly, Dallas clearly “demonstrated that, tactically, the use of a robot with lethal force is viable.” Though its easy to let imaginations run wild with images of a Terminator-like future full of genocidal robots, modern day technology is a little more lackluster.

Engineers with Israeli firm General Robotics unveiled a new tactical robot called Dogo at the Eurosatory 2016 defense show in Paris this past June. The 25-pound machine can scout dangerous environments, use its two-way voice communication to facilitate negotiations, feed video of targets to police and fire at targets. Equipped with a point and shoot interface, the bot also features an integrated Glock 26 that allows operators to fire on suspects without actually being present on the scene. General Robotics claims its robot would shorten response time and allow for “clean kills.”

A subsidiary of Samsung has its own version of a tactical robot, called the SGR-1, currently in use on the border of North Korea and South Korea. Equipped with cameras to automatically detect and track targets, the SGR-1 also comes loaded with a 5.5mm machine gun and 40mm grenade launcher. While it can blow the hell out of anything that moves, it can only do so with operator authorization.

As fictionalized as these weaponized robots seem, these machines are now poised to take American policing to a new level. However, critics are calling into question the ethics involved in autonomous lethal force.

American Civil Liberties Union policy analyst Jay Stanley told Politico that he is concerned that weaponized robots could make pulling the trigger too easy — something he said is unsettling at a time when it seems police are too quick to do that already.

“Does this remain something that is only used in extraordinary circumstances,” Stanley asked. “Or do police departments start clamoring for robots specifically designed to use force?”

“Let’s say there’s a protest, and there aren’t any police on the scene and a robot starts spraying pepper spray, or tear gas, or rubber bullets, on the crowd, and they do it with poor situational awareness and they hit people who are not involved, or they do it when it’s not necessary,” he added. “Often, the way new technologies play out on the ground is not the way you would expect.”

This does beg the question — are new laws needed to govern these machines? Some states, to include Oregon Virginia and Wisconsin, say yes and have already taken measures to ban agencies from arming drones.

North Dakota, so far, is the only state in which police are legally permitted to arm drones, though only with less-than-lethal ammo such as tear gas, bean bags and Tasers. In states with no laws, departments are left to make their own determinations on the topic.

Though a majority of states don’t govern the use of weaponized robots, most departments limit these specialized weapons to only SWAT teams and police emphasize that the rules governing use of of force still apply.

“I am still legally responsible for having to explain and justify [any] level of force,” Thor Eells, chairman of the National Tactical Officers Association, told Politico. “The mechanism of how the force is delivered is irrelevant to the courts.”

While the influx of robots into civilian law enforcement can be attributed to the Pentagon’s 1033 program, which allows the military to transfer, donate, or sell excess military equipment to civilian agencies, the use of armed robots is still new. Dallas is the first reported incident of police using an armed robot to subdue a suspect.

With at least 280 law enforcement agencies in the U.S. in possession of military robots, the ACLU’s Stanley said communities should be concerned about the implications of these weaponized bots within their communities. “This has started a whole new conversation,” he said. “It’s worth pausing to think about what it means for us as a society.”

Safe and sound at home...

The latest innovations in technology are fast closing the gaping hole of home security breach. There are many smart, modern ways to safeguard your home. Bindu Gopal Rao finds out what the newest tricks on the block are...
Imagine this scenario. Your son has come back home from school and the front door is locked. He calls you and you are able to unlock the door through your phone to let him in. Sounds bizarre? Well, not really. This is what a new age home security solution can do. An important aspect of home automation, security solutions is fasting gaining ground as the most preferred smart home solution.

Solutions galore

Single sensor alerts, standard security system alarms, wireless security cameras, Digital Video Recorders (DVR) and recording kits are a few new solutions for home security in the market. Artificial Intelligence and deep learning technology-enabled surveillance cameras, thermostats and smoke alarms are some of the new age home security solutions in the market. These help send automated alerts to home owners via email, push notifications, motion sensors, mobile app connectivity and enable the control of security systems from anywhere around the world through smartphones, tablets or laptops and cloud stored data to access at any given time.

Pankaj Tyagi, division manager, Renewable Energy Division, 3M India Limited, says, “Window films are one of the new additions to home security solutions. Hurricanes, tornadoes, severe winds, bomb blasts and earthquakes can cause glass to shatter and send shards flying, especially in high-rise buildings. During these disasters, safety and security window films keep flying glass from harming inhabitants, and in many circumstances, help keep out wind and rain.”

Tech talk

The market for home security solutions today is continuously evolving and includes monitoring options that accentuate user experience and allow for real-time tracking. Fibre to the home (FTTH) is revolutionising communication and security with the use of fibre optic cables for delivery of multiple advanced services such as telephone, broadband, Internet and television.

“Fibre optic cables ensure superior Internet speeds supporting next generation services like video on-demand and home automation that adds value to the life of residents. In terms of security, this technology enables integrated video-based visitor management system through which residents can track a visitor right from the gate of the township right up to their doorstep. The radio frequency identification (RFID) system is capable of managing the movement of the car. For instance, if a resident is out of town s/he can disable the RFID which will block the car at the entrance. This gives an extra layer of defence against any potential intruders,” says Surendra Hiranandani, chairman and managing director, House of Hiranandani.

Since the late ‘90s, instrumentation of homes has been happening with conventional burglar alarm systems, CCTV systems and electromagnetic (EM) locks. It had the basic limitation that the systems were not interconnected. “With change in technology, the concept of security has changed. Technology-based security that can be integrated and remotely accessed has become an essential part of our homes and personal life. From being discrete systems, home security systems have now converged,” opines a spokesperson from Tenon Group of Companies.

The specifics

Automation is a step forward to the term called ‘Internet of Things’, in which, everything has an assigned Internet Protocol (IP) address and can be monitored remotely. The system provides the ability to schedule events for the devices on the network. Ajay Agarwal, partner, Geopreneur Design Studio, says, “Intrusion alarm system for windows, doors, compound walls, car parks include CCTV cameras, video door phones, electrically and electronically controlled locks and latches, and digital locks which can be controlled by passwords, smart cards, thumb input-impressions etc.”

In control

One can control the entire home security by means of a combined in-built monitoring system or digital technology. It involves the integration of technology in home security. “This modern home security solution comprises switches and sensors connected to a central hub called ‘gateway’ by which the entire system is controlled with a user interface that interacts with smart phones, tablets, web interfaces and wall-mounted terminals. As a result, the user can manage everything from anywhere, using their smart devices through the Internet,” says Akhil Kumar Sureka, managing director, Sarvome Developers.

Avinash K Gautam, CEO, Silvan Innovation Labs adds, “Smart sensors detect events like door intrusion, unwanted motion, LPG gas leakage, fire and wet floors. A smart gateway to sense these sensors decide when the triggering of a sensor can be considered as a real risk, and interface with a central monitoring system for systematic logging of events and centralised monitoring. Smart cameras allow you to check out visually the situation in your house and lastly, a centralised monitoring system monitors the status of your house.”

Integrating technology

The best part of home automation solutions is that the new technology can be easily installed without much intervention as most of the products are wireless. So, one does not have to worry about extensive wiring and networking.

“For example, wireless camera systems only have to find the points of placement to cover areas like doors, garage, windows etc and mount camera on the desired location, both indoors as well as outdoors. Most of the technology products for home security are Wi-Fi enabled. We can download the concerned mobile app in our smart phone and can directly surveillance and control the entire home security system. These home security products also have a feature of cloud-stored data and are hassle-free. They have battery as well as plugged cable installation for outdoors,” says Prasoon Shrivastava, CEO & founder, Helpmebuild.

The security requirement in the real estate sector, largely for its three categories of buildings — retail, residential and commercial demand a diferent security protocol because their environments differ.

A step forward in ‘smart policing’ initiative

Police officers to get high-end tabs in a day or two. Primarily, the tabs will be integrated with the Abhayam and Dial 100, the quick response applications of the police force.

As many as 335 police officers, over and above the rank of sub-inspector to the Commissioner of Police, will soon be given high-end tabs as part of the smart policing concept. The tabs have already reached the Commissionerate and will be distributed in a day or two.

Apart from having the calling and internet facilities, the tabs will be loaded with a host of features intended to keep the officers updated on the crime and the law and order situation in the city.

Primarily, the tabs will be integrated with the Abhayam and Dial 100, the quick response applications of the police force. “The tabs will be GPS-enabled and once integrated with the Abhayam and Dial 100 programmes, the officers can be tracked and advised to rush to the crime scene in quick time,” says Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP- administration) Venkateswara Rao.

This apart, the tabs will serve as ready-reckoner as the gadgets will be loaded and updated with the latest FIRs, NBW status, criminal list and status of investigation of various cases.

The criminal list will include details of criminals along with their pictures and details of rowdy and history sheeters.

“Most of the criminals have a few peculiar traits and modus operandi . Depending on the modus operandi, the officer can show a few pictures to the victims for quick identification. This will speed up the investigation process,” says Mr. Venkateswara Rao.


This apart, the official website of the city Police Commissionerate is nearing completion and will be open to the public in about a month’s time.

For the first time in the State, the website will have options such as online filing of complaints, filing of gun licence application and application for rallies and public functions.

“The idea is to give people more options. They need not come to police stations or to the Commissionerate to file complaints, submit grievances or apply for gun licence and permissions. Everything can be done online and they can even view the status of their application,” says Commissioner of Police Amit Garg.

The department is also negotiating with banks for online payment of challans.

With the department going hi-tech, the major challenge faced by it is trained manpower. The department is not only short by over 1,500 men, across ranks, but also most of them lack training in computer skills. Because of it, the ambitious project of CCTNS (Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System) is going slow despite 80 per cent of the data having already been uploaded.

About 1,000 personnel have undergone training, but with the system being dynamic, the officers need to upgrade themselves, which is not happening, say sources.


Cape Town, South Africa Selects ShotSpotter Gunfire Detection System to Help Reduce Gun Violence

One of the World's Most Violent Cities Turns to Proven Technology to Bolster Sweeping Safety and Security Initiative
NEWARK, CA--(Marketwired - Sep 29, 2016) - SST, Inc., the global leader in gunfire detection and analysis, today announced that Cape Town, South Africa -- rated among the world's most violent cities -- has selected ShotSpotter as a pivotal part of its crime prevention efforts to reduce gun violence and murders. SST, Inc., the maker of ShotSpotter Flex™, is working with Cape Town's Department of Safety and Security to deploy the technology over seven square kilometers (more than 4 square miles) in the high-crime areas of Manenberg and Hanover Park.
Cape Town, a port city and the capital of the Western Cape Province, has a high concentration of gang and gun violence in the seven square kilometers where ShotSpotter is being deployed.
"For the month of September, a total of 31 incidents were recorded, down from 128 in August and 211 in July, when ShotSpotter was activated. Although we would need to analyze shooting patterns over a longer period to accurately quantify the impact, the initial success of the technology has been stunning," said Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, Alderman JP Smith. "Not only does the technology empower the police force, but also seems to give the community renewed impetus in the fight against gangsterism. During the pilot project, we saw an increasing willingness from the community to come forward with tip-offs that resulted in arrests and the confiscation of drugs and weapons. Between October 2014 and mid-November when the pilot period ended, Metro Police made nearly 30 arrests in Hanover Park, including five for the possession of illegal firearms."
"We are proud to partner with Cape Town to help crack down on gun violence and make this beautiful city safer and more secure for its residents," said Ralph A. Clark, President and CEO of SST/ShotSpotter. "We know how to help solve the problems so many cities face. More than 90 municipalities use ShotSpotter to assist law enforcement with fast, accurate gunfire data that can save lives and rein in crime. Since most gunfire goes unreported to police, ShotSpotter becomes an incredibly valuable tool to alert police to all gunfire incidents, which enables them to respond to the crime scene quickly, precisely and safely. In fact, fewer than one in five unlawful gunfire incidents are reported to police, and in the communities most impacted by gun violence, those residents are the least likely to call."
In addition to Cape Town, ShotSpotter has been in use in South Africa's Kruger National Park to help park authorities fight rhino poachers. With a very small proof of concept deployment, ShotSpotter helped detect two poaching events that led to the capture and prosecution of several poachers as well as the recovery of a baby rhino whose mother was poached.
About ShotSpotter
ShotSpotter Flex helps local law enforcement agencies by directing police to the precise location of illegal gunfire incidents enabling first responders to aid victims, collect evidence and quickly apprehend armed, dangerous offenders. The ShotSpotter actionable intelligence can then be used to prevent future crimes by positioning law enforcement when and where crime is likely to occur. With ShotSpotter Flex, police now possess a scientific barometer of success since smart policing leads to fewer shootings.
About SST, Inc.
SST, Inc. is the global leader in gunfire detection, protection and connection technology, providing the most trusted, scalable and reliable gunfire alert and analysis solutions available today. SST's ShotSpotter Flex™ is the leading gunfire alert and analysis solution for detecting gunshots, protecting officers with tactical awareness, and connecting law enforcement agencies to the community; while providing critical intelligence to give law enforcement agencies the detailed real-time data needed to investigate, analyze and prosecute gun related crimes. SST's ShotSpotter SiteSecure and SST SecureCampus provide critical indoor/outdoor infrastructure protection against active shooter attacks. The company's deep domain experience, intellectual property including 33 issued patents, along with cumulative agency best practice experience, enables measurable outcomes that contribute to reducing gun violence. SST is a proven solution provider with more than 90 installations across the United States and the world. Privately held and Silicon Valley based, the company has nearly two decades of innovation and deployment experience in the area of acoustic gunshot location technology. For more information on ShotSpotter Flex, visit our datasheet here. Details can be found at Details about our U.S. and foreign patents can be found at

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